WARNING: this glossary may contain spoilers

Rune Compass: A depiction of the runes and details of Caitriona’s medallion. See left.

Aether (EE-thur): Elemental plane of existence of air. Language of the Superi Deorum.

Alinta (uh-LIN-tah): Professor at ELA of Survival. Igni.
Animea (anih-mee-UH): An elemental’s spirit animal, a physical manifestation of their elemental power. Language of the Superi Deorum.
Arbor Asa (AAR-bur AHSA): The giant tree of the earth dormitory at ELA.
Arnauld, Justine (AHRR-no, jus-TEEN): Freshman student at ELA, Caitriona’s roommate.

Auren (AWR-ehn): plural Aurens. Air guardian. Language of the Superi Deorum.
Aurora eclipse: Dawn eclipse. Due to the controlled perpendicular orbits of the sun and moon on Phanysos, the two astral bodies cross each other twice a day.
Bellavalier (be-luh-VAAL-ee-air): Title given to warriors in the fairytales written by Caitriona’s father. Translates to warrior. Language of the Superi Deorum.
Bellavalier etra Hydraconis (be-luh-VAAL-ee-air EHT-raa heye-DRAH-coen-ihs): One of the fairytale stories written by Caitriona’s father. Translates to The Warrior and the Water Dragon. Language of the Superi Deorum.
Bertie: Animea. Corvus corax; common raven.
Biome: A single biogeographical section of White Island.
Blackening, the: Side effect of an elemental using excessive levels of energy, characterized by charred looking veins.
Blue morning: Psychedlic drink at Cloud Moonshine made from Ipomoea tricolor.
Brianna (BREE-ah-nuh): Caitriona’s cousin. See also Caitriona’s Family Tree.
Bulat (boo-LAHT): Dusha’s animea. Canis lupus; gray wolf.
Chitzi (CHEET-zee): Second-year earth student at ELA.
Cloud Moonshine: Bar in the Village serving drinks made from psychedelic plants.
Cole, Alaia (COAL, ah-LYE-ah): Freshman student at ELA, Caitriona’s dormmate.

Crusty’s: Pizzeria in the Village willing to make a black olive and pineapple pizza.
Danvers: Maro Soter’s headquarters, location unknown.
Darwin, Eero (DAAR-win, AIR-row): Freshman student at ELA.

Davis, Georgia: Caitriona’s best friend in San Francisco. Mortala.
Declan (DECK-lin): Caitriona’s uncle. See also Caitriona’s Family Tree.
Dimitri (dih-MEE-tree): Third-year earth student at ELA.
Douglas, Monroe: Third-year water student at ELA.
Elemental: Entity with a connection to an elemental plane of existence and possesses magical abilities over that element.
Elementanum Athenaei (eh-luh-MEN-ta-num a-THUH-nay): abbreviated ELA. The Elemental Athenaeum located on White Island on Phanysos. Language of the Superi Deorum.

Elysium (eh-LEE-see-um): Fifth elemental plane. Language of the Superi Deorum. Also known as Shadow Plane, Shadow Realm, Unseen Plane, Unseen Realm.
Erin: Caitriona’s Aunt. See also Caitriona’s Family Tree.
Ewa (EH-vuh): Third-year air student at ELA.
Finn: Caitriona’s cousin. See also Caitriona’s Family Tree.
Fynn (FIN): plural Fynns. Water guardian. Language of the Superi Deorum.
Gaia (GAY-uh): Elemental plane of existence of earth. Language of the Superi Deorum.

Galen (GAY-luhn): Professor at ELA of Meditation and Prophetics. Fynn.
Garian (GAIR-ee-uhn): Freshman student at ELA.
Greenveil Trail: Main path through the Parasol Woods leading from ELA’s campus to the foothills of the Webennu Mountain.
Greg: Susan’s husband.
Grigoryan, Miyo (greh-GOOR-ee-ehn, MIH-yo): A third-year air student at ELA.
Guardian: An elemental that has graduated from ELA and fulfilled their apprenticeship.
Hive, the: Freshman dormitory at ELA.
Hydros (HEYE-drowz): Elemental plane of existence of water. Language of the Superi Deorum.

Igni (EEG-nih): plural Ignis (EEG-nis). Fire guardian. Language of the Superi Deorum.
Ilese (ai-LEES): Fifth-year fire student at ELA.
Indica (IN-dih-kuh): Kali’s animea. Hyaena hyaena; striped hyena.
Inez (ee-NEZ): Freshman student at ELA.
Jasper: Freshman student at ELA.
Julia: Cake decorator at Tea Cakes Bakery in San Francisco.
Juliana: Third-year air student at ELA.
Kali (KAH-lee): Maro Soter’s fidus Achates. Earth elemental.
Kamali (kuh-MAA-lee): The dean of Elementanum Athenaei. Lampada.
Killian (KILL-ee-un): Caitriona’s uncle. See also Caitriona’s Family Tree.
Knight, Oliver: Third-year earth student at ELA.
Lake Varuna (vuh-ROO-nuh): Largest lake on White Island.
Lampada (LAM-pah-duh): plural Lampadis (LAM-pah-dis). Guardian from the Elysium plane of existence. Language of the Superi Deorum. See also shade, shadow elemental.
Legendes Bellavalier Caitriona (leh-JEND be-luh-VAAL-ee-air): Book of fairytales written by Caitriona’s father. Language of the Superi Deorum.
Lemon sunrise: Psychedelic drink at Cloud Moonshine made from Heimia salicifolia.
Linden, Viera (LIN-don, vee-AIR-ruh): Student counselor at ELA.
Ma sprit lib (ma spree leeb): Translates to my free spirit. Language of the Superi Deorum.
Maclachlan (muh-CLOKH-luhn): Skilled jeweler in The Village. Igni.
Maeve (MAYV): Caitriona’s niece. See also Caitriona’s Family Tree.
Marian Sea (MAHR-ee-in): Waterless sky-ocean surrounding White Island on Phanysos.
Marjing (MAAR-jing): Sport similar to polo, invented by students at ELA in the 5th century BC.
Maro (MAH-row): Dragon from the Bellavalier etra Hydraconis fairytale.
Mei (MAY): Freshman student at ELA.
Moirdora (MOHR-door-ah): The fate quest undertaken by a warrior to earn the title bellavalier. Language of the Superi Deorum.
Moirdora de Bellavalier (MOHR-door-ah DUH be-luh-VAAL-ee-air): One of the fairytale stories written by Caitriona’s father. Translates to the warrior’s fate quest. Language of the Superi Deorum.
Moose lodge: Facility on White Island where moose are housed, bred, raised, and trained.
Morrigan, Caitriona (MAW-ruh-gun, ka-TREE-na): Also goes by Cat, not Catie. Full name Caitriona Aislinn Eabhana Morrigan (ASH-lin, AT-va).

Morrigan, Fianna (MAW-ruh-gun, FEE-uh-nah): Caitriona’s mother. Mortala.
Morrigan, Patrick (MAW-ruh-gun): 1958-1996. Caitrona’s father.
Mortal Plane: Plane of existence where all mortalitas and elementals are born. See also Phandora.
Mortala (mohr-TAHL-ah): plural Mortalitas (Mohr-TAHL-ih-tos). Mortal entities that can only exist on Phandora. Language of the Superi Deorum.
Nelia (NEE-lee-uh): Caitriona’s mount in her father’s fairytales. Form varies.
Noelani (new-eh-LON-ee): Freshman student at ELA.
Nora: Caitriona’s cousin. See also Caitriona’s Family Tree.
Olya (OHL-yah): Professor at ELA of freshmen Survival. Terra.
Omnis intellego (OHM-nees in-TELL-eh-go): Elementals innate ability to comprehend any language. Language of the Superi Deorum.
Orethia Roadway (or-ITH-ee-uh): Large path connecting the Greenveil Trail to the top of the Webennu Mountain.
Parasol woods (PEH-ruh-saal): Wooded area stretching between ELA’s campus and the foothills of the Webennu Mountain range.
Peiony (PEE-uh-nee): Professor at ELA of freshman Health and Nutrition. Terra.
Phaeterra Desert (FAY-uh-tair-aa): Semi-arid biome of White Island.

Phandora (pan-DOR-ah): Mortal plane of existence. Language of the Superi Deorum. See also Mortal Plane.
Phanysos (pan-EYE-sis): One of the original planes of existence, contains White Island. Language of the Superi Deorum. See also Primal Plane.

Primal Plane: Believed to be the epicenter of the universe and the first plane created. See also Phanysos.
Remy (reh-MEE): Third-year water student at ELA.
Robinson, Wyatt: Caitriona’s best friend in San Francisco. Mortala.
Romano, Gianna (roh-MAAN-oh, JAHN-ah): Fifth-year fire student at ELA.
Samira (sa-MEER-ah): Second-year water student at ELA.
Saoirse (SUR-shuh): Caitriona’s maternal grandmother. See also Caitriona’s Family Tree.
Scirocco (shir-OK-ko): Professor at ELA of freshman Survival. Auren
Selene (seh-LEEN): Victim of Maro Soter. Lampada.
Shade: Elemental from the Elysium plane of existence. See also Lampada, shadow elemental.
Shadow elemental: Elemental from the Elysium plane of existence. See also Lampada, shade.
Shango (CHAN-go): Professor Kamali’s animea. Panthera leo; lion.
Shrewd driver: Psychedelic drink at Cloud Moonshine made from Salvia divinorum.
Signum (SIN-yum): Object used by elementals as a focus for their magic.
Soter, Maro (soh-TAIR, MAH-row): Enjoys: long walks down the torture hallways of Danvers. Dislikes: emotions. Age: unknown. Race: unknown. Political stance: none.
Suds: Psychedelic drink at Cloud Moonshine made from Lophophora williamsii.
Superi Deorum (soo-PAIR-ee DOOR-uhm): Ancient guardians.
Susan: Café manager at Tea Cakes Bakery in San Francisco.
Tabari (TOE-baar-ee): Professor at ELA of History of Being. Auren.
Tea Cakes: Fianna’s bakery in San Francisco.
Terra (TAIR-ah): plural Terrans (TAIR-ahns). Earth guardian. Language of the Superi Deorum.
Thalassea de Moirdora (thaa-LAA-see DUH MOHR-door-ah): One of the fairytale stories written by Caitriona’s father. Translates to water task of a warrior’s fate quest. Language of the Superi Deorum.
Tolling (TOHL-ling): Sport similar to ice hockey, invented by students at ELA in the 18th century AD.
Trumpet sour: Psychedelic drink at Cloud Moonshine made from Argyreia nervosa.
Twilight Hollow: A glade with a waterfall and pond in the Iris Rainforest on White Island.
Tyler: Head baker at Tea Cakes Bakery in San Francisco.
Umbra eclipse: Dusk eclipse. Due to the controlled perpendicular orbits of the sun and moon on Phanysos, the two astral bodies cross each other twice a day.
Viljanen, Salvia (VIL-ya-nen, SAL-vee-ya): Owner of the Casual Cryptic. Lampada.
Vigga (VEE-gah): Professor at ELA of freshman Athletics. Igni.
Village, the: Metropolis on White Island.
Vulcan (VUHL-kaan): Elemental plane of existence of fire. Language of the Superi Deorum.
Webennu Mountain (WEB-ehn-oo): Mountain range on White Island. Also known as Mount Ben.

White Island: The sole landmass on Phanysos.
Willem (vill-UHM): Third-year air student at ELA.
Yareli (YA-rell-ee): Professor at ELA of freshman Survival. Fynn.
Zashchvolkh, Dusha (zai-SHYESH-vulk, DOO-sha): Freshman student at ELA, Caitriona’s dormmate.

Zuzanna (zoo-ZAH-nah): Freshman student at ELA.